Creating a web page from scratch using Front Page 2003




Getting Started

The Basics

Page Layout





How Do I ?


Tables pg 1

Tables are a grouping of rows, columns and cells arranged to accommodate text, images, links, forms, form fields, and other tables and cells.  They are readily created in Front Page.  Initially you might create Table A shown below.  Then as you begin to format the table, it begins to look more like Table B.  Table C is a nested table which means that it is a table within a table.


Table A



Table B

Table C





What we will do next is create a web page from scratch.  To get started,  you will need to have a blank index.htm page open in  front page.  It is a good idea to have the  "quick tag selector" enabled when working with tables.  To open it, click on View>Quick Tag Selector and when you click on the page, it will display the tag that you are on.  As you can see, (blue arrow) only the body tag shows until you insert a table or other content

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