The Second Mobil Home we put in was  across the road

After we had been there a while, we decided to put in another Mobile home across the street as the property extended to the other side of Huer-Huero Road. On the left is the lead in to the new mobile home and on the right, the driveway to the main mobile home.

huero 2

 I brought all of my equipment over from the campground as well as the dozer you see below and we began the chore of making a road up to the site as well as leveling off a spot for the new Mobil Home.  The earth was very dusty so Helen was watering down the ground as I was doing the dozing.


In order to get the water to this side of the road, Gordie and I hydro-bored under Huer-Huero and then trenched lines to various locations. A view of the white PVC pipe coming up out of the ground can be seen in the next image in the lower right corner. This was a fairly steep bank that came right up to the road so we had to dig back far enough to keep it away from road traffic


After the mobil was set in place, I made skirting for it all around and put in stairs at both doors. I was also busy painting the trim to match the Moblie across the street. When everything was completed, I rented this Mobile to a friend who worked with me at Cal Trans in San Luis Obispo.

mobil 2

The spa was the last major improvement we made on the Main Moblie Home. It was quite expensive to heat so we only used it in the summer time.



In March of 2o11, I made a trip from Indiana to the west coast and one of my stops along the way took me to Creston.  Here I found that our Mobile Home had burned to the ground.  The only thing left standing was the barn type shed that I had built shortly after we bought the property.  The following pictures left and right show the place as it looked in March of 2011.

new mobile

new mobile 4


How about these cute little critters running wild right near the driveway

Huer-Huero Road, Creston, California  1987 to 1991


In July of 1985, there was a fire at Santa Margarita Lake. It started off small on the north side of the lake but quickly spread and jumped the lake and headed south towards our campground. In less than two hours it had moved past us and jumped Pozo Road.  I watched as a dozer tried to get in front of it and cut it off but the winds were too strong and it kept heading south up and over the mountains towards San Luis Obispo.  Before it was all over, about 100,000 acres had burned.


 I had just bought a 50 acre lot in Creston and we were in the process of putting in a well and moving one of the mobile homes that I had at the Campground onto the 50 acre lot so that it would become a place of residence. The fire was the tipping point for us as business dropped off to nothing all the rest of 1985 and 86.It was then that I decided to close the campground and store down and move to our property in Creston. The picture below is basically what the property looked like when I bought it.

huer-huero road

We had about $100,000 in inventory in the store so every week end we would pack our Van full of stuff and head for the Nipomo Swap Meet.  In two months, we had brought the inventory down to about $20,000.  At the same time I was busy building a very large barn type shed on our property in preparation for our move.

It was such a relief for me to finally get out from under the Campground and Store and just have my job at Cal Trans.  We paid cash for a new double wide mobile home from the money we made at the swap meet and I busied myself with putting a deck all around the mobile. You can see the full deck in the header of this page and below, a picture of my son Gordie with his back to the camera, my grandson Jason standing and me sitting next to the deck joists that we were just then putting the deck plates on. There was a large oak tree that was surrounded by the deck.


The next thing we put in was a turn around so that fire trucks could get in and out without trouble. I had over 50 picnic tables from the campground and I used the tops of the tables along with utility poles to line the turnabout.


Below are pictures of the New Mobile Home

mobile 2




So, as you can see, time marches on, gone with the old and in with the new.  The new owner was very gracious and provided me with the images of the new mobile that you see here.



Wintertime on Huer_Huero Road