Creating a Printer Friendly Page

Lets suppose that you have a complete web page with everything on it such as a header, navigation, etc; and you want to make a certain portion of the page printer friendly.  One easy way to do this with Front Page 2003 is to create an includes page with just the text and images that you want to make printer friendly.

As an example, we will take this table I am typing in and everything within it and make an includes page.  Lets suppose that you have a map and you want to give someone directions to your location.  This too would be on the includes page.

One thing to remember when you set up the includes page is to make sure the container table is 600 pixels or less.  Add the Javascript below to place a "Print this Page" button on your page.

 <script language="Javascript1.2">
var message = "Print this Page";
function printpage() {
document.write("<form><input type=button "
+"value=\""+message+"\" onClick=\"printpage()\"></form>");